About GPU


For machine learning, just two words: choose NVIDIA.

GPU-Accelerated Computing

NVDIA has a good explanation about What is GPU-Accelerated Computing.

In summary, GPU-accelerated computing offloads compute-intensive portions of the application to the GPU, while the remainder of the code still runs on the CPU. From a user’s perspective, applications simply run much faster.


There is a video (length: 1m 33s) GPU VS CPU. It might have been exaggerated for marketing purpose. However the acceleration provided by GPU is something that you cannot deny/ignore if you are doing serious work using deep learning.

Time Saving for Training

The speed of acceleration for training a deep neural network depends on the GPU model.

According to my experience, typically the training process will be accelerated 4~6 times with NVIDIA GTX980 if you are training a 50 layer Convolutional Neural Network.

Time Saving for Prediction

I’ve documented the prediction acceleration in Time Cost of TF in C++. Please check it out.

Here’s a quick note (prediction using CPU Intel Quad-Core i7 vs GPU NVIDIA GTX980):

Intel Quad-Core i7 (CPU) 15.56 s
NVIDIA GTX 980 (GPU) 2.03 s

CUDA and cuDNN

NVIDIA Official Blog has a good explanation about What is CUDA.


CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model that makes using a GPU for general purpose computing simple and elegant. The developer still programs in the familiar C, C++, Fortran, or an ever expanding list of supported languages, and incorporates extensions of these languages in the form of a few basic keywords. These keywords let the developer express massive amounts of parallelism and direct the compiler to the portion of the application that maps to the GPU.

CUDA stands for Compute Unified Device Architecture developed by Nvidia . In CUDA basic idea is to use GPU (Graphical Processing Unit) for parallel programming which provides better performance for solving complex problems.

  • CUDA : the API/language you talk to Nvidia GPUs.
  • cuDNN: library for Deep Learning using CUDA.

You could use CUDA/cuDNN directly yourself, but other libraries like TensorFlow already have built abstractions backed by cuDNN. Tensorflow will handle the device assignments for you as long as you provide a little configurations by writing a few lines of codes.

Computation Capabilities of CUDA GPUs

Readers may refer to CUDA GPUs to know the computation capability of each type of CUDA GPUs.

In short, The high-end GPU models such as Tesla P series will be suitable for data centre; Tesla K series will be suitable for work station. Geforce series will have some entertainment elements inside the design. Tesla series is recommended while Geforce is not recommended if you are not going to play video games.