How to Obtain BD-BR & BD-PSNRΒΆ

PSNR and bitrate are two important metrics to obtain the BDBR, BDPSNR which are two common criteria for measuring the average PSNR differences between RD-curves.

step 1

use TAppRenderer to synthesize intermediate views using

  • original YUVs
  • (four QPs) the YUVs obtained by your method
  • (four QPs) the YUVs obtained by standard method (or any other method that you want to compare with)


step 2

  1. (four QPs) Calculate PSNR using [synthesized_views_from_origin, synthesized_views_from_your_method]
  2. (four QPs) Calculate PSNR using [synthesized_views_from_origin, synthesized_views_from_ref_method]

step 3

calculate BD-BR, BD-PSNR for each sequence.